Consumer Information On Duct Cleaning

Consumer Information On Duct Cleaning in Toledo, OH

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What You Should Know About Duct Cleaning

Serving Toledo, Findlay, Lima, Defiance, Napoleon, Bryan, Wauseon, Paulding and more.

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Power Vacuum Truck vs. Portable Vacuum System

Lately many people have been asking me about the difference between a portable system or a truck or van mounted vacuum and a POWER VACUUM TRUCK. So, I thought I would briefly describe the difference in duct cleaning equipment.

The difference between a duct cleaning job done with a power vacuum truck and a portable system is enormous. Contractors using inadequate vacuum collection systems and short cleaning procedures can cause more problems than they solve. According to the EPA-Environmental Protection Agency, these substandard jobs can release more dust, dirt and other contaminants into the air than simply leaving the ducts alone.

In order to complete the job correctly and according to NADCA standards, the contractor must place the system under negative pressure. This procedure is almost impossible to achieve with most portable vacuums which are rated under 4,000 cfms (cubic feet per minute). Even the largest portable vacuum, gas powered or electric, is only capable of 5,100 cfms, which is grossly inadequate. Some contractors attempt to deceive potential customers by stating they have a power vacuum truck, when in reality, they have mounted a portable system in the rear of a van or pick up truck.

The fact is that an actual power vacuum truck is an expensive investment (approximately $100,000) and most start up and fly by night companies simply don’t have the capital to invest in such duct cleaning equipment, so they purchase a tiny portable system for under $5,000 and call themselves duct cleaners. A portable system does not have the power to remove all the dirt and debris in the average home’s ductwork system. Another important factor is that it is very common for portable duct cleaning equipment to have maintenance problems. The seals and gaskets tend to deteriorate which then allows contaminants to reenter the living spaces in the home. Also HEPA filters must be frequently maintained and replaced or they lose their effectiveness. Either of these situations turn what was a bad health situation in the ductwork into a dangerous health situation in the home.

Why You Should Invest in a Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning

Did you know that 70% of dryer fires a year are caused by a failure to properly clean your dryer vent? According to the 2007 FEMA Fire Prevention Research Program analysis it is true. Clothes dryer fires account for about 15,600 structure fires, 15 deaths, and 400 injuries annually. Dryer Vent cleaning is critical.

So how can you tell if your dryer vent needs to be cleaned? There are three simple things you can check for:

  • Does it take longer for your clothes to dry and do thick materials (such as denim) still feel damp after drying for a long time?

  • Is the outside of your dryer hot to touch?

  • Is the exterior dryer flap outside not all the way open?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then it is time to get your dryer vent cleaned. It is recommended that you have your dryer vent checked and cleaned every year.

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